Breaking news ref Tenant Reform Bill proposal to abolish the section 21 reported by Landlord Today
Responding to a report from the House of Commons Housing Select Committee ahead of MPs debating the Renters Reform Bill on Monday, the government has confirmed that implementation of the new system for repossessing properties “
will not take place until we judge sufficient progress has been made to improve the courts.”
It continues: “
That means we will not proceed with the abolition of section 21, until reforms to the justice system are in place. ”Alongside this, the government has
agreed to establish a new ground to repossess properties to protect the yearly nature of the student housing market.
The government has said it will “
introduce a ground for possession that will facilitate the yearly cycle of short-term student tenancies” which “will enable new students to sign up to a property in advance, safe in the knowledge they will have somewhere to live the next year.”
Further details in the article via this link: