INFORMATIVE landlord meetings

ALL Wessex convenes meetings covering the Bath and Bristol area three times during the year, with the current venue in Keynsham.

About the meetings

These meetings are informative where Landlords have the opportunity to update and share their knowledge on new policies at National and Local levels.

This is achieved through presentations from recognised subject matter experts and also through an open question and answering session.

A networking opportunity to mix and share ideas and issues with other landlords is provided during the coffee break.

Our meetings are very popular and are open to landlords who may, or may not, already be members of other landlord associations. All we ask is that you register as a member of ALL Wessex.

Local suppliers who provide services to Landlords may also attend.

our next meeting

Thursday 5th December 2024 (see link to the agenda below).

6.30pm for 7pm start

The Royal British Legion, 8-10 Charlton Road, Keynsham BS31 2JA (free car parking after 6pm available in Ashton Way 50 yards opposite)

our keynsham venue